Wednesday 12 October 2011

The Secret Healing Power of Water.

The Secret Healing Power of Water.
Scientist have shown that about 75% of our body make up is water, while only 25% of this is solid which dissolves in them.
These goes a long way in showing that without water man cannot survive.
The human body is made up of trillions of cells with about 80% being water.
The amount of water varies from about 90% in newborn to about 55% in old people.
With water occupying almost the whole of your body. It shows it has important functions. These function include
1) transportation of nutrients, acidic waste, oxygen.
2) It also plays a role in digestion.
3) It is involved in the regulation of body temperature.
4) it acts as a detoxifier

 Water as a Detoxifier:
With the amount of waste generated daily by our body. The body has devised a means of eliminating these waste, through the kidney, our skin and the rectum. All these process require lot of water. Hence, for optimal development, the  water used for these process must be replenished as fast as they are used up.
Our Body is Alkaline
Our God erected body has a natural alkaline environment but what we take in determines the pH of our body. Though the blood has a buffer which helps maintain the alkaline state of our body. Excessive intake of acidic food tends to make our body generate lots of hydrogen ion which must be eliminated from our body. Because these hydrogen ion puts lots of pressure on the kidney, heart and liver making them to become over worked. Thus water is required to eliminate them.

When water required to eliminate these waste are  in a shortfall. Our body tend to draw water from our bones and joints and muscles and redistributes them to 5 critical organs namely
these thus leaves the other past of the body in a shortfall which we see as pain, in our muscles, chest so on and on. 

Water Shortfall a link to Chronic Disease
This goes to show us that most of the chronic disease such as hypertension, head ache, migraine, ulcer, angina are simply a function of dehydration; when there is onset of dehydration lots of toxic substances are generated by our body as a result of non elimination of these waste which are corrosive in nature thus destroying and distorting our cells, leading sometimes to cancer. Hence what we eat and drink and our lifestyle causes over 95% of the disease.
How to eliminate dehydration and living a healthy life.
When we grow older, it becomes difficult to determine when we are thirsty as our body has developed conditioned reflex. I.e our taste buds no longer indicates when we are thirsty; hence determining the right amount of water to take in, just by how thirsty we are would be wrong. However scientist have proven that drinking at least 7 cups of water goes a long way in eliminating dehydration and also ensuring that we live a healthy life, free of most chronic disease. So put this into practice and see an outstanding improvement to your health

Simple Principles for Preventing Asthma

With the rate at which asthma is spreading among the populace, it is important for the general public to become aware of its dangers, how to prevent it and also manage this chronic illness.
Before delving into the management of asthma, lets define asthma and list out the symptoms.
Asthma can be defined as a chronic diseases which is characterized by recurring episodes of wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness and coughing particularly at night or in the morning.
How Severe Can it Be
Its severity can range from mild to severe and this depends on individuals; and based on how severe the attacks can be, treatment choices are made.

Factors that Predisposes one to Asthma

Several factors  has been attributed as increasing the risk of contracting asthma. These factor include
1. Exposure to Allergens such as dust mites, pollens, smoke and beta blockers.
2. Genetic factors: scientist has shown that asthmatic gene can be passed down from parent to offspring

Having dealt with factors that predisposes one to contracting asthma. It is important to note that asthma is preventable.

Preventing Asthma
For those kids with family history of asthma, preventing asthma involves avoiding exposure to triggers such as dust mites, cockroaches, cat e.t.c while for adults avoiding exposure to smoke or chemicals in our workplace is helpful.

Determining if You are Asthmatic.
Though diagnosis of asthma could be difficult due to similar symptoms to diseases such as Chronic Obstructed Pulmonary Disease or Chronic Bronchitis; use of peak flow meter to measure Peak Expiratory Flow and spirometer which measures Forced Expiratory Volume in 1sec (FEV 1) alongside considering genetic factors helps improves diagnosis.
Also if a patient who is given asthmatic drugs sees remarkable improvement it is highly possible the person has asthma, however before the doctor arrives at such conclusion an array of test to determine if the patient has any previous infection should be carried out.
Managing and Controlling Asthma.

1) in order to manage asthma, patients should ensure they avoid the above listed risk factors.
2) Medication which has been prescribed to you by your doctor should be taken regularly.
3) symptoms should be monitored and if severe seek medical help.
PEF greater than 80% of personal best indicates good control.
While PEF of less than 80% may indicate sign of worsening asthma. For more info on asthma management plan visit

Tuesday 13 September 2011

How to whiten our Teeth

Am sure we love to see people whose smile can simply be efficacious. A wonderful smile helps not only to breakdown barriers but also gives us a good first impression.
Most of us only think about how good our hair, face and clothes look without taking notes of our teeth.
They forget that our teeth and a smile has a way of sinking into our subconscious, long after we have left a person we have just met.
For instance, I can bet you would vividly remember a person if that person has an infectious smile. While the smile of a person with a white teeth is charming; that of someone with a discoloured teeth is simply disgusting. This is why people with discoloured teeth find it difficult to smile and their confidence level seem to diminish especially when they are expected to speak in a crowd.
This was my lot; having been addicted to eating lots of chocolate, my friends and enemies alike would poke fun at me telling me about my discoloured teeth.
What did i do?