Tuesday 23 August 2011

Relationship between Yoghurts and Cancer

I just read an article about dairy produce and its relationship with cancer. This relationship has established way back in 1989 by Dr Daniel Cramer of Havard University. In his study, he recorded in details the diets of over a hundred women with ovarian cancer and he discovered that they all took yoghurt. This much was also confirmed by Professor Jane Plant, a previous victim of breast cancer who was able to overcome the disease through the help of dietary regulation. The implementation of a new diet plan enabled her live the good life, as she became perfectly healthy.

Chinese Diet and Cancer Prevention.

According to her even with chemotheraphy treatment there was no positive reduction on the cancerous lump untill she changed her diet to strictly plant based diets which is readily found in chinese foods. After she had disposed off yoghurt and other dietary produce from her meal she discovered shrinkage in the lump size and disappearance of lump completely after 6weeks.

Recommending Chinese Diet for cancer patients

With this hind sight, it has been shown that Chinese diet are good in the fight against cancer, as they contain lots of anti oxidants; which enable a one maintain the health of their body as it helps in detoxifying our body system.

Importance of Vegetables/Fruits in Cancer Treatment.

Fruits are known to be rich in flavonoids and anti-oxidants which helps in boosting our immunity. So incorporating it into our diet will enable us beat breast cancer. However, women should not forget to go for breast cancer screening once every 3years between age 20 to 29 and when above 40 once every year.

Friday 19 August 2011

Living the Good Life"How Working Ladies Can live it"

Annie as a goal getting, young enterprising lady loved to live the good life. But her career with its demands had taken a heavy toll on her youthful body.
Beneath her outward appearance was a worried lady, who complained about falling ill often. This is a common occurrence in our society today. A painful reminder about life struggles, about being successful even at the cost of our health. But, this ought not to be so.
How then do we combine life struggles whilst being healthy?
Below are some useful tips for living a good life
Drinking Lots of Water
By drinking lots of water, especially in morning before eating anything, we do our body system a lot of good. This is because, water as great detoxifier help cleans the body system by removing a lot toxic substance from our body while also gives our skin a healthy glow.

Eating Coconut
Eating of coconut will enable one live a healthy life. This is because it has the ability of boosting energy and endurance. It does this by quickly creating a nutritional boost of energy that last. It also softens the skin and improve insulin secretion.

Knowing that You are Stressed Up
For working ladies who hope to reduce stress, they must recognise that they have stress and endeavour to take a break from anything that would put them under great strain.Having adequate sleep and eating a balanced diet would help a lot, as adequate sleep helps rejuvenates the body system.

Laugh a More Often
Make genuine laughter a part of you, by interacting with people who are humorous. Or if you feel thats so difficult. Visit any cinema of your choice, and watch movies which you feel will make you relax, "I suggest comedy". This is because laughter that comes from the heart,has the ability to relieve us of stress and also remove years from our age; making us appear younger.

Avoid Cigarettes and Alcohol
avoid cigarettes, alcohol and other triggers, by keeping from pubs where smoking is allowed. If you are already an addict seek for counseling.

and finally have a positive view about life sidelining negative thoughts, which are usually 'strain bringers'

Tuesday 16 August 2011

Advantages and disadvantages of Organic Food

What food should you buy is it organic or non organic.
This is one question that begs for an answer. This is because most food out their are non organic.

What do i mean by non organic foods? Non organic foods are food which are produced through the application of pesticides and use of in organic fertilizers e.g NPK 15:15:15. These foods can harmful because sometimes even after washing, the pesticides still remains,
But the obvious advantages of non organic over organic is they are cheap to produce compared to the later.
So for a family which is trying to cut cost organic food seem to be the least obvious choice. So is this necessarily a plus for non organic. It is left for you to choose.
The purpose of this article is to inform you about the pros and con of organic food and inorganic food.
Organic food are also easily affected by bacteria compared to non organic food. This is because most organic farmers are lack the required technology and so are less efficient in getting there produce to the market. But the obvious advantages of organic over inorganic is that
the food are superior in mineral content than non organic food.
The food contain little or no pesticides that may result in cancer, and other harmful disease.
The food also taste better than non organic as organic food have higher specific density than non organic. Also note that some non organic are easily susceptible to intake of pesticides than others. Some of them include apples, cherries, grapes, peaches and pears . These foods are not advisable to be eaten as organic version are preferably despite the cost. To view the list of organic food you ought to buy you can visit www.robin.hubpages.com/hub/organic

Saturday 13 August 2011

Millet is a grain which bears a resemblance to maize but is tinier in appearance. This highly nutritious plant can be found in ghana, nigeria, india and many other countries. It is not an acid forming food, and contains high amount of fibre and B vitamins as well as phosphorus, potassium and magnesium.
Prevention of Gall Stone
It is this presence of fibre in millet, that helps prevent gall stones by speeding intestinal transit time and also reducing secretion of bile acid which has been fingered as leading cause of gall stones.
Other Benefit of Millet
Millet has also been attributed to weight reduction, lower elevated cholesterol and fat in the blood and also good heart health. This is because it reduces homocysteine level in the blood.

Health Benefits of Banana(medical usage)

Banana, a crop which grows in parts of west africa is a highly nutritious plant containing potassium, sodium, calcium and iron.

The Health Benefit of Banana Fruit.
The banana fruit through stimulation of hemoglobin production can help prevent anemia.

Its fruits has also been associated with the regulation of blood pressure because it has a high content of potassium.

In nigeria, hypercholesteroliemia a condition in which levels of cholesterol in the blood are more than normal has been treated using dried banana pulp.

Lectin, a chemical substance that can be found in banana has been suggested to have the ability to block HIV-1 Cellular entry.

Based on this, banana lectin is a potential chemical component that would be used as a microbicide against sexual transmission of HIV virus.

Friday 12 August 2011

Eating More to Lose weight.

For many, the matter is how they can eat to their satisfaction, while also losing weight.  
This is because most of the literature on weight loss prescribes for eating less and appropriately so, a means required to lose weight.
However, most people who suffer from obesity have difficulty following the above suggestion.
This should however not give them sleepless night on how to bring their weight down.
Experts have shown that some food have higher ability to keep people from feeding hungry. So, in our quest to pursue weight loss formula that works we need to incorporate such food in our diet

Food that contain hunger faster than other
These stable foods such as potatoes, fish, oats, apples, orange, millet, whole wheat and beans enable one to become easily full.
Reason why potatoes, fish makes one easily full
The reason is because these foods have high fibre content, as well as proteins and other chemical compounds

Wednesday 10 August 2011

Health Action For Children

Feeding problems in children can be a very big upset to family life. Because of this parents are usually worried about the impact this may have on their children. Its important to state that this disorder has the ability to cause poor mental and physical development of a child. Proper nutrition can lead to enduring, good eating habit and the wellness of child. Therefore feeding problem is an important issue which need to be tackled if  a child is to live a good and healthy life.
Feeding problem
feeding problems include but is not restricted to the following.;
insistence on a particular meal while rejecting other food
total refusal to eat or eating insufficient quantity of food.
Lose of appetite on seeing either of the parents leaving the house.
some useful tips which may enable parents handle this problems are listed below:
parents should not force their children to take in meals which they do not like, as this reduces their appetite.
Eating in between meals could be helpful to a child.
When a child feeds poorly offer to him less of that food as the child may likely ask for more.
Encourage the child to feed by itself, while leaving for a while. When back do not scold the child no matter the outcome instead put on a smile.
Prevent children from watching TV while eating as this could lead to loss in concentration.
Fat children should be offered less fatty food which they like frequently . Ensure family fighting do not occur in front of the children as this could cause loss of appetite.
Its important to understand the basis of child nutrition as they grow from infancy until they reach teenage age. Thus the parents become properly informed so as not to make mistakes but rather healthy choices, which would enable the children have healthy feeding habit.