Wednesday 12 October 2011

Simple Principles for Preventing Asthma

With the rate at which asthma is spreading among the populace, it is important for the general public to become aware of its dangers, how to prevent it and also manage this chronic illness.
Before delving into the management of asthma, lets define asthma and list out the symptoms.
Asthma can be defined as a chronic diseases which is characterized by recurring episodes of wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness and coughing particularly at night or in the morning.
How Severe Can it Be
Its severity can range from mild to severe and this depends on individuals; and based on how severe the attacks can be, treatment choices are made.

Factors that Predisposes one to Asthma

Several factors  has been attributed as increasing the risk of contracting asthma. These factor include
1. Exposure to Allergens such as dust mites, pollens, smoke and beta blockers.
2. Genetic factors: scientist has shown that asthmatic gene can be passed down from parent to offspring

Having dealt with factors that predisposes one to contracting asthma. It is important to note that asthma is preventable.

Preventing Asthma
For those kids with family history of asthma, preventing asthma involves avoiding exposure to triggers such as dust mites, cockroaches, cat e.t.c while for adults avoiding exposure to smoke or chemicals in our workplace is helpful.

Determining if You are Asthmatic.
Though diagnosis of asthma could be difficult due to similar symptoms to diseases such as Chronic Obstructed Pulmonary Disease or Chronic Bronchitis; use of peak flow meter to measure Peak Expiratory Flow and spirometer which measures Forced Expiratory Volume in 1sec (FEV 1) alongside considering genetic factors helps improves diagnosis.
Also if a patient who is given asthmatic drugs sees remarkable improvement it is highly possible the person has asthma, however before the doctor arrives at such conclusion an array of test to determine if the patient has any previous infection should be carried out.
Managing and Controlling Asthma.

1) in order to manage asthma, patients should ensure they avoid the above listed risk factors.
2) Medication which has been prescribed to you by your doctor should be taken regularly.
3) symptoms should be monitored and if severe seek medical help.
PEF greater than 80% of personal best indicates good control.
While PEF of less than 80% may indicate sign of worsening asthma. For more info on asthma management plan visit

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